Website: https://sps-2021.ieeebangalore.org/index.html
IEEE SPS was jointely organized by section and signal processing society. IEEE Signal Processing Society Forum on Image and Video Signal Processing is scheduled on 27 March 2021. The highlights of the IEEE SPS forum are as follows:
It is aimed at networking in the area of Image and Video Signal Processing to industry members.
Bridge the gap between Industry and Educational Institution.
It consists of presentations, lectures, and demos by industry experts.
In addition to several invited talks, there was a workshop on Workshop on Augumented reality with MATLAB- Images, Video and 3D
Details of Workshop: In first 30 minutes, we plan to quickly walk through three demonstrations around the implementation of augmented-reality applications – first on images, second using a live-video, and third on a calibrated scene where a 3D shape is rendered. Although there may not be much time to delve into the mathematics behind this, we will attempt to describe the methods and parameters that a system designer must explore, to build reliable applications in these areas.