Website: https://attend.ieee.org/r10htc-2021/
Organized by Region 10
Co-organized & Hosted by IEEE Bangalore Section, at Bangalore
September 30 to October 2, 2021
IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference – R10 HTC, is a premier annual cross-disciplinary conference. The 9th edition was organized by Bangalore section during September 30 to October 2, 2021. The conference was organized at Chancery Pavilion Hotel, Bengaluru in a hybrid mode. The theme of this conference was “Reverse Innovation for Humanitarian Technology Solutions using STEM”. The conference had four special tracks for demonstrations of products, projects ideas on technologies used to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), humanitarian technologies, disaster relief, and management. This international conference had participation from across the globe – and countries of the Asia Pacific region in particular.
The conference witnessed many keynote/invited experts. Few of them were: Shri. Sampathkumar Veeraraghavan, Chair, IEEE HAC, addressed through online mode from the USA. He highlighted the importance of utilizing technology for the benefit of humanity. Dr. V.R. Lalithambika, Guest of Honour, Distinguished Scientist, Director, Directorate of Human Space Programme (DHSP), ISRO, Bengaluru addressed how ISRO is helping humanitarian activities through space technology. Shri. Deepak Mathur, Guest of Honour, Director, IEEE Region 10 detailed the thought process of using technology for humanitarian activities. Dr. Debabrata Das, Director, IIIT Bangalore, Chief Guest, in his speech mentioned that how engineering and the medical field have collaborated to evolve to support humanity.
The conference had Call for Paper and paper presentation tracks. Each track was designed with keynote addresses, invited talks, panel discussions, and paper presentations. The conference has received a lot of consideration and support from the Government of India MEITY and DST. Other key partners working in SDGs are NASSCOM COE IOT & AI, Aarogya Seva, IUCEE and YESIST. IEEE partners namely, India Council, HAC, SIGHT, SSIT, WIE, SPS, and Smart Village also joined hands in organizing this unique event. Special Sessions:
Title: Impact of technology on society and individuals
Dr. Luis Kun, Ph.D., FIEEE, SSIT, Distinguished, Lecturer
Dr. Robin Podmore, Ph.D., FIEEE, IEEE, Smart Village
Dr. Kalyan K. Sen, Ph.D., PE, MBA, FIEEE, PES, Distinguished Lecturer
IEEE India Council Track
Title: Talk on MOVE India + Video Contest on Disaster Management
- V. Mohandas Pai, Chairman, 3one4 Capital, Co-Founder & Chairman, Aarin Capital, Chairman, Manipal Global Education
Mary Ellen Randall, IEEE MOVE + IEEE Fellow, President, Ascot Technologies, Inc., USA
Dr. K. R. Suresh Nair, Founder, and CEO of Design Alpha India Council Chair
Sadhana A, Director, Visvesvaraya Industrial and Technological Museum, Bengaluru
Special Program by IEEE Region 10
Title: Running Successful Section/ Chapter in R10
Dr. Amit Kumar, Chair – 2021-2022 IEEE Region 10 Section Chapter Committee
Takako Hashimoto, Chair IEEE Japan Council
Mandar Khurjhekar, Section Chapter Coordinator – IEEE Pune Section
Dr. Zuhaina Zakaria, IEEE Malaysia Section
Dr. Abhishek Appaji, Section Chapter Coordinator, IEEE Bangalore section
Registration Split
Total number of IEEE Members – 165
Total number of non-IEEE Members – 142
Total number of IEEE Student Members – 143
Conference Paper Statistics
Total number of Paper Submission – 272
Total number of Accepted Papers: 103
Acceptance rate: 37.8%
Final Presented Papers – 89
Oral Presented – 89
Total number of Registered Participants – 430
Conference also has call for Project Demonstration/Presentation
This initiative is to bring to the limelight humanitarian projects that have been executed at low cost, with the locally available resources and used by the common public like farmers, homemakers, etc.
This contest is open to all Students from R10 Region.
More details can be found in the link https://attend.ieee.org/ r10htc-2021/